Adomni API Documentation

The Adomni API allows customers to fetch campaign details and performance metrics such as plays, spend, impressions, and CPM.

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Getting Started

The root for the API is

To generate client credentials, login to the Adomni platform and visit the "Account Settings" page ("API Keys" section). Once you have those, you can authenticate using OAuth2. See our detailed instructions on authentication.

See the full list of endpoints using our API Browser.

Background Concepts

Campaigns are the primary entity for defining a budget, campaign dates, and various targeting. These are sometimes referred to as line items in other advertising platforms.

Campaign Groups are commonly used to group together multiple campaigns with distinct budgets and flights. For instance, a multi-market campaign might be represented as a campaign group, with a campaign for each market with distinct budgets and targeting.

Common Use-Cases

Fetching performance metrics for all campaigns or campaign groups

Use the /campaigns and /campaign-groups/ endpoints to fetch a list of campaigns and their latest performance metrics. Consider filtering to campaigns with a status of Launched or Complete.

Fetching performance metrics for a specific date range

The /performance/campaigns/{campaignId} and /performance/campaign-groups/{campaignGroupId} endpoint allows for the inclusion of reportingPeriodStartDateHour and reportingPeriodEndDateHour parameters in order to specify a specific date/hour range.

Fetching detailed breakdowns of performance metrics

The /reports endpoint is available for a detailed breakdown of campaign performance, including metrics at the individual screen (device) level.

Call the GET /reports endpoint to get a list of reports available.

Reports are created asynchronously using the POST /reports endpoint. See the API Browser for available parameters.

Due to the asychronous nature of report generation, the GET /reports/{guid} endpoint is used to check the status of the report and once ready, a temporary link is provided to download the result.

Mapping campaigns or campaign groups to records in another system

Campaigns and campaign groups can be configured with a "Reference ID" which maps to a unique identifier in another system. The referenceId field is returned in the results of the /campaigns and /campaign-groups/ endpoints.

Important Considerations

Performance metrics can take up to 12hrs to finalize due to delayed play reporting from the DOOH screens.

The reportingPeriodEndDateHour parameter is inclusive rather than exclusive of the final hour. E.g. if a full day of reporting is desired, use the 23:00 hour in the end date/hour. Using 00:00 would result in the first hour of the following day to be included.